Design Gilman Community Implementation Workshop
When: Friday, November 15, 2024 Time: 6:00 pm
Where: Gilman High School Commons
The Village of Gilman and School District of Gilman has partnered with the University of Wisconsin-Extension to create a community vision to help us plan the future of our community. We want to thank all those that participated during the event in October. The Gilman Design Team of professional planners and designers, as well as the Gilman High School Student Council are now ready to present to you a full report and have you help us design an implementation plan. Everyone in Gilman is invited to the community implementation workshop at 6:00 pm on Friday, November 15, 2024, hosted in the Gilman High School Commons. During the workshop we will review the findings and suggestions from the Design Gilman event. We will then engage participants in small group discussions to design work plans that can be completed within the next year or two. We hope that you will join us!